1. Our tree is fantastically esoteric. It has a spider J made at the top and much of the decorating was done by him too (eg little "zill" cymbals; luggage labels... and baubles 5 deep on some branches). I love it. Give me that over some I've seen that are so perfect and symetrical and look like shop window ones.
2. J made and ate his first trifle today. We had great fun :-) First he nibbled every sponge finger he took out of the packet before lining the glass dish with them. When I poured in the tin of fruit salad he quickly hoovered up all the cherries and proceeded to pick out all the other bits he particularly fancied. He helped pour in the jelly and later on when the jelly was cold, he smoothed out the custard and enjoyed licking the spoon. As ever, he took using the electric mixer very seriously (imitating the noise at the same time) as we whipped the double cream. Then came decorating using smarties and grated chocolate. What restraint! He managed to put a whole mini box of smarties on the top without eating a single one. Then scoffed two mini bars of chocolate (meant for grating) :-)) He LOVED eating his masterpiece at the end. I remember asking a German whether they had a word for "trifle" and described it for them... "Kalorienbombe" they said. Yeah - sums it up :-)
3. J started very slowly with present opening. By midday on Christmas day, he'd only opened three presents. It was very gratifying that the Maisy ball I (or rather Father Christmas) had got was a big hit. By the end of the day, he was ripping the paper off new presents every few minutes! There are so many that it continued today and he still has more left for tomorrow. The new Dyson I got him was used for a good 20 minutes to vacuum his cot (he sat in it and cleaned it all). Where does he get this obsession with cleaning from!??
4. Although the first few scenes were rather dull for J, he started to be entranced by the Mary Poppins DVD
when M.P. began singing and dancing. A particular hit was the farmyard scene (Holiday with Mary) where the animals all sing too. Huge grins from J.
5. His love of ripping off the wrapping paper started to be problematic today. He ripped a page from a book and ripped a Christmas card in two. So I put him in his "den" box (huge cardboard box) with all the paper due for recycling and we had a wonderful time ripping, scrunching, throwing and playing peepo.
6. New words: "-ick" (stick) which I heard when we were den-building in the wood yesterday morning (we went for a walk in the vain hope he'd nap as he was exhausted but ended up collecting big sticks and building a den with them - great fun!'); "bye" (said very clearly and with my intonation ie byee... very cute)
7. He acts out a lot of things with his toys. I found him in his cot with three of them in deep conversation (dinosaur, froggy and tiger). He does a good roar for dino and was babbling for the others. His new elephant pressed the button on the train set using her ear. The two elephants were both wagging their tails with pleasure at one point yesterday! (He knows dogs wag their tails and has carried this over to all animals- even the frog whose little label is used as a tail!).
8. He was very happy to sit on Father Christmas' knee at Hatton- some kids have a screaming fit and are scared stiff. And Santa did a high five with him at the end! (Since when did Santa start high fives!!!! Never happened in my day...). We've met quite a few Santas this year. The one at the nursery was a grumpy one - didn't say a word! We bumped into one at the Sports Centre legging it down the stairs (I think he was late for an appearance at a party) - he stopped and handed J a little bag of sweets before running off! Plus the Hatton one. There wasn't a queue when we went so we had a good few minutes chatting.
9. Goodness knows what image of Christmas he has from the advent calendar! Each window is a joke, so there's Good King Wenceslas with his "deep and crisp and even" pizza (J kept pointing at that - he loves pizza); an owl; a duck; a penguin;.... I can't remember them all. The Hatton nativity tableau and story didn't help in terms of the "real" story either. The peacock clearly thought he should have a role in the nativity and strutted about with the sheep and donkey... and the mannequins forming the tableau are all female ones. So you have 3 Wise Men and Joseph all with with beards and bosoms!
10. The best gift for me has been J's sleeping. You may remember that J didn't properly sleep through till about 14 months. I have been desperate to get him to bed earlier - it's often ended up 8.30 and sometimes much later. The lack of bath is a real pain (I know, I should be used to it by now...). No time for much other than clearing up and preparing for work afterwards if he doesn't go down till late.
Well we've had 2 instances of getting to bed by 8pm now, and he's been wanting to stay in his bed till gone 8am for several days. Bliss. He makes noises loud enough to wake me up while he's sleeping (especially after about 6am) - but I don't need to go in to see him. There are lots of things that affect his sleep of course: teething his molars has been problematic recently; not having the cast on unsettles him (must feel odd when he has it 13 out of 14 days); he's been wheezy and coughing lately too - but if we can have runs of good nights like this, I'll be a different person :-)
Hope everyone reading had as much fun (especially the non-traditional things) as we did this Christmas. I'll try and post photos - you'll love the tree :-) Got to take advantage of Sleeping Beauty next door and get some shuteye myself now though. Gute Nacht. Schlaf gut!
Monday, 26 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
The Tiger Who Came To Tea
Yesterday we took J to the theatre for the first time and saw The Tiger Who Came To Tea.
One word sums up the experience: brilliant :-)
J loved it.
It had elements of slapstick ("Daddy" is quite a clown, putting his shoes in the toaster and the tea cosy on his head), pantomime (the characters on the stage don't see the Tiger when he first appears, so there's lots of calling out), and musicals (singing and dancing eg Tiger-obics, which we all were encouraged to get up and join in with). Plus there were ideas which are very appealing to toddlers/pre-schoolers, for example food, doorbells and ticking/chiming clocks.
Since J's concentration is usually very good and he loves music/dancing, I thought it would be ok but he was fantastic - he sat on my lap for the whole hour and was utterly entranced by the whole experience. He joined in with the clapping and since we were sitting just 3 rows from the stage, everything felt very immediate and powerful.
I can't wait to take him to the theatre again. I hope they repeat the Gruffalo soon - he was too young when that was last being staged, but as a great fan of the book, I think he'd very much enjoy the play.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Hooray for Christmas lights
J pointed out of the window and went "bang" for many nights after bonfire night... He soooo enjoyed the fireworks - not just the ones we could see from home, but the local Round Table display as well! Not every 18 month old's cup of tea I know! Unexpected noises can startle him, but when he knows what it is, he's quite tolerant (eg the vacuum cleaner starting up unexpectedly is a bit scary, but then there's no stopping J. He is happy to vacuum for hours! We were staying at friends last week and practically burned out their poor Henry. It's genuine cleaning too - he's good at spotting where dirt is).
Having to say "no, no more fireworks for another *twelve* months" was hard (though it doesn't mean much to him!).
Now we can see lots of Christmas lights out of the window. Several of my neighbours have gone overboard and during dinner, we turn the main light off and admire the flashing and twinkling. J has been signing "twinkle" and "left/right" (I was commenting on how some of the lights looked like they were going one way and then the other).
Thank goodness we've got something to replace the fireworks :-)
I'll have to see where there are good local displays (Oxford Street is a bit of a trek, but maybe Birmingham??)

(this isn't near us, thank goodness - though it would keep J amused for a long while. Heaven knows what their electricity bill is!!)
Having to say "no, no more fireworks for another *twelve* months" was hard (though it doesn't mean much to him!).
Now we can see lots of Christmas lights out of the window. Several of my neighbours have gone overboard and during dinner, we turn the main light off and admire the flashing and twinkling. J has been signing "twinkle" and "left/right" (I was commenting on how some of the lights looked like they were going one way and then the other).
Thank goodness we've got something to replace the fireworks :-)
I'll have to see where there are good local displays (Oxford Street is a bit of a trek, but maybe Birmingham??)

(this isn't near us, thank goodness - though it would keep J amused for a long while. Heaven knows what their electricity bill is!!)
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